Son of Now See Here

It's still New Zealand though.

While I am against this policy in Russia, I am very much favor of it outside of Russia.

I have a theory there are a significant minority of black people where the only thing preventing us from noticing what dorks they are is the veneer of cool presented by their blackness.

Ehn. AVclub nowadays is not the peak AVClub of the ZMF era as is painfully clear at times. Dudes probably happier on Twitter.

Go on….

He'll have a pdocast! You'll all have podcasts!

It is honestly genuinely hard to get hold of a new anvil in the loony tunes sense as opposed to a smaller anvil for jewelry and tool making. You need to order them special.

The central issue, and this is why smart guy (and gal) characters of a certain mould kinda irritate me, is that Superman beating up a guy with no powers isn't a story. So the story will always be 'Preparation and Planning guy beats up stronger guy' because it's a supposed inversion of the expected result.

It's my art.


It's a hell of a lot of fun.

He's playing the long game.

Not to say you should play it on an emulator because the PC version has had half the soundtrack patched out but…you should play it on a ps2 emulator because the PC version has had half the soundtrack patched out.

I'm looking at the existence of that Trump budget article and thinking that there are people here who get their political news from here and similar sites and it's leading me to the conclusion this place ain't got no standning to look down on Reddit.

A woke take on Typhoid Mary seemed inevitable at this point and here we are at that point.

Most of his opinions will relate to your bedtime though.

Poor Zam. Waypoint ripped your balls right off.

I think the lady was a bit better arranged. There's also the whole some of the early arcana get outleveled by the game thing going on.

You haven't even played Nioh!

Not as such, beyond the whole mechanic behind the ending which has a whole 'Collective Unconcious Acting On The World' thing going. Rather it's about the ability of the individual to inspire change even in a society that pushes against it. The idea that by standing for something you can have other people to stand for