Son of Now See Here

Yes. Report to your nearest wolf.

He doesn't really make a case for this, though. It's a bit of a strange reading of the game which is why people are taking issue with it.

In the way it's framed it's a bit of a bland homily and also ignores that both ideas are an extension of the other.

They don't do scores here.

I am still kind of unclear about the vegetables.

This was in no way true of P3. P3 was absolutely brutal about the time stuff.

I don't know but Chris Hansen is coming this way.

Here's an SNL sketch about what PWRBTTM had to say about Trump on MSNBC.

Haru's problem is that what would be her Palace Arc ends up being shunted off into her confidant link story and that story happens at the very ass end of the game.

San Adreas had pretty much everything I wanted out of a Rockstar game. Which is why the direction the Saints Row series chose to go really does piss me off. Since Saints Row 2 was pretty much functionally SA2.

I like Purdom but I will admit the Science part made me cringe a little, edging a bit close to Fuck Yeah Science!ism because Science does not work that way.

I did like the way they fucked over your assumptions with Igors voice casting following the death of his original japanese voice actor. That and a bunch of other little things like the girls rather than Igor doing the fusions when he's been doing them since Persona 1

Yeah. It took me 72 hours all told and I was pretty completist about the entire affair.

There's a certain amount of missing the point of the ending going on there. It isn't so much about the power of positive thinking but rather the the ability to enact change through inspirational actions of your own, something that carries more weight in a conformist society like Japan.

It's a huge open world game. Donkey Woman is going to be there no matter what they do.

I really do miss when Rockstar released a bunch of games. They were all so good.

The secret is that every time someone buys a PS4 or Xbone or new gaming rig, they buy a copy of GTA 5.

I think you kind of answered the question there with GTA V.

'We're taking the time to add a whole new Being Polite To Prostitues Min-Game. Politely and respectfully decline the offers of an parade of olde timey whores by mentioning you're a married man who does not partake of these things. This'll join Awkwardly Flirting With A Spinster and Trying To Bond With Your Bookish

What other jobs you gonna find where you have the opportunity to fuck a clown without a bunch of special arrangments and money changing hands?