Son of Now See Here

I think you can relatively easily but it requires you to know what you're doing during that early period where normal humans are fucking around.

It's meant to be crappy mall knife type stuff.

The issue is kind of by the end of the game Anne and Ryuji have Concentrate and Charge. Which means they hit so very, very hard to a degree that outpaces the rest of the party.

A lot of them aren't this time round.

Yes. This was among the many things on this list that caused me to shake my fist in the general direction of Purdum.

Her problem is that she shows up far too late in the game and has such a brutal stat requirement that a lot of people kind of gloss over her.

Iwai is a small businessman who ain't got not time for romance.

I was kind of going to do a bit where I suggested a non-offensive version of Fu Manchu but all my non-offensive suggestions added up to a white guy in yellowface. But I couldn't think of a good one so I'm just going to explain the joke and let you all imagine it.

I'm just gonna say it.

This is irrelevant to my desires!

Soft Boys are a whole thing.

The film guys tore him apart so viciously if it was anyone else I'd feel bad about it.

Likely story from someone with the Carmel Look.

It's an open secret that pretty much every wealthy coastal community is built on Deep One gold. Martha's Vineyard is pretty much fish fucking all day long.

Yeah. But this way they don't have to interbreed with any fish people.

This will distract you from you terrible grey tinted lives, Manchester by the sea people.

Won't someone think of the thinkpiecers and twitter comedians?! So much content! So many hot takes! All lost!

Given the history of Utah doesn't that mean there are a bunch of dead JW's somewhere stacked like cordwood and left to rot?

I forgot that movie existed.

I want this to be made and I want it to be really, really heavy on the Jehovahs Witness stuff.