Son of Now See Here

I kinda don't want to criticize him because I don't want to get lumped in with certain people but I fucking loathe him as the worst kind of performatively Soft Boy and his take on any movie where people so much as raise their voice gives me an ulcer.

He'd have to find between running Fox News and punching the Irish.

Apparently the co-president of Fox is a 19th century bouncer. Cause that thing has been broken more than once and set badly.

It's mere existence prevented Trump becoming president.

It was one of those things where they so blatantly realised exactly where the money was coming from that it kind of takes me aback.

I think Hamilton already answered that question.

Yeah. I have some honest to goodness suspicions this is largely horseshit based it on being the exact kind of horseshit he would come up with.



He did immediately suggest a different black guy.

I will be back here tomorrow for a new fact.

It's one of those shows that I never see mentioned anywhere to the point where I'm kind of surprised when I see it on.

I don't like having to look at him. It's unpleasant.

Man. So many shows just stopped dead last strike. There was like the first wave of the whole semi serialised procedual with a grand mystery thing and nearly all of them died.

That and the third wayism stuff. Clintonism was built on abandoning the social and economic issues that made the middle class uncomfortable with their focus and establishing where they ended up as the new center and lead, in a lot of ways, to the conditions that enabled Trump.

Though it would remiss to point out she was part of the project that's central goal was to move it to where it is.

I remember reading and thinking it was a bit dated when I was 14 and a week ago I saw the first volume of those new floppy tpb's they're using to reprint all the vertigo stuff and it's still good but jesus fucking christ do parts of it read like someones doing a flashback of the eighties while the eighties were still

I love me some American Flagg! but I will maintain Hellblazer wins simply for the sheer amount of MAAAAAGIE THATCHER going on in there.

Racist! The CHUDs are a fine people not just defined by their cuisine.

To be honest, those missiles would have been launched anyway. That was him being a 'normal' president and thus a problem separate from his usual ones.