Son of Now See Here

It's the type of sentence that worries me that he's going to talk about Amanda Palmer.

I love Sandman.

It's…okay. Pretty good I guess? I will probably watch some more of it at some point. Maybe.

Speaking for your new Alien Overlords…

They can't not write more articles about Trump. But for extensive editing this would also be an article about Trump.

To be fair there are an entire generation of men in their early 30's who are stuck withe various accounts where their username is WeedGoku399

Sometimes they have surprise Trump though. You'll click on an article that seems normal and suddenly it's 'In the age of Trump, Hormel Black Label Bacon is now more important than ever…'

Look at his filmography form 1999 on.

It feels like he's quietly made bad financial decisions on par with Nicholas Cage. Because otherwise the last 20 years has no other explanation.

Deniro has been not giving a shit at this point almost as long as he gave a shit.

I saw the trailer for this in the theater and it took me by surprise because I'd thought it had already been and gone.

It also has a fair chunk to do with Thailand being really weird about their buddism.

Rich party kids.

And they're all so attractive. That makes it even funnier.

I remember back in the day there were a couple of hundred.

That palace is loooong and doing it one run will be irritating. Also the idea I think is the secondary personas are meant to be more directly mythical and 'real' as opposed to the kind of child like images of the original ones. Except Makoto. Who has a transformer.

Man. I haven't played RoD in…20 years.

Mass Effect Andormeda is a game I stopped playing when I noticed I was doing other things while I was playing it.

He wears them in the animated scenes where he's being a milquetoast. In fact it's kind of a point that he's not wearing them in the flashbacks. In fact there's some stuff in the game that suggests he's a not the usual blank slate persona protag and the glasses were always a disguise of sorts

[I used the random][It sounded like][A serial killers manifesto]