Son of Now See Here

I like to think they both went in full academic regalia.

There are no be thonged ass shots in the Thong Song beyond the incidental. That's what he should be shamed over. Not his lyrics.

There was a certain kind of anarchic kids show that they stopped making years ago that a lot of the youtubers that are popular with younger audiences remind me of.

The sweater vest is my favourite part of it.

I think he's getting an actual show on real television.

It ain't so bad.

I saw it. But I grew up in semi-rural Australia.

YouTube stuff fascinates me because it's the first media phenom in a while that people on the younger end of the people who write about Media don't get and aren't sure how to approach. It's an actual genuine shift and watching people younger than me get angry and confused at this also makes me happy.


And the nose is green and made of some unclown like material.

Rob Schneider makes me angry when I look at him.

I'm not blaming anyone for being sucked into that orbit. It seems like a pretty sweet gig.

I do not know Corinne very well but based on what she did here she is an awful human being who hates joy.

The only one of these games where you saw a boob was Noctropilis where it came entirely out of the blue.

You got anything else going on?

It was the bright future that was FMV games!

It's genuinely interesting and genuinely fucked up but man will it have aged badly.

No one ever goes for a My Dinner With Andre quote.

That baby looks uncannily like Wallace Shawn.

Walking through Azabu seeing houses with huge luxury cars bigger than them parked outside.