Son of Now See Here

I'd be okay with this.

Too bad. You live in a hut now.

I…..wasn't planning to.

I like to keep it in show condition. In case I go professional.

Arianna Huffington is kind of a horror show.

They needed to free up that money for Trump articles.

You want people to see your dick but you also want to protect it from the elements.

Shareblue seems so sketchy to the point I thought it was a content farm for a while. And it has Melissa McEwan writing for it.

At some point soon, because he is old, the secretive wealthy guy who funds Salon is going to die and I imagine his heirs will shutter it part way through his last breath.

Yes. It doesn't.

What about My World of Flops. That's always a delightful and entertaining read!

It was password1

It will include the part where a gypsy cursed her to be a terrifying leathery italian skeleton creature.

I wasn't aware Madonna had died.

That does kind of ignore all the pre-holocaust bits of the founding of Israel.

For high school girls those ladies in Zapped wore some classy lingerie

Those ladies have aged very nicely.

I think it's mostly because it became a 'thing' to rag on him rather than people's opinion of his actual output.

She was Lady Bob Dole against Racist Bill Clinton.

She had every advantage and she failed.