Son of Now See Here

He has to be lying about his age or spending a lot of time near a malfunctioning microwave.

That I've done this on several occasions says something about me.

Wonder Man got really doughy.

It did manage to last an entire season.

Hierophant does have a plot gate but I don't think you can do his thing anymore once you reach the gate until it opens.

Nah. He wasn't some bright, special idea. He was created as a World War II propaganda character, he was largely interchangable with a dozen other WW2 propaganda characters and overshadowed in his original imprint by the vastly more interesting Namor and Human Torch comics.

Yes. It's the internet. It's this or cat videos.

Puns aside, I'm still not sure if he's doing a thing there or not.

Remember I.Q., the movie where Einstein and his wacky genius friends, helped Tim Robbins bang Meg Ryan?

The guns were strange there. Because they were actual guns. And you were children. In Japan.

I've argued this before but Stallone is a good actor and a good screenwriter, because just take a look at the Rocky screenplay sometime, who found it infinitely easier and more profitable to be Sly Stallone instead.

Lala Escargots voice is bugging me because it sounds like someone and I cannot remember who.

I think if you're gonna do it, you make it the only relationship in the game. Because after a certain level of focus it's going to become the story.

We aren't going to see Persona 6 for a long ass time. We'll probably be injecting it into our eyes and it'll require a system built around that.

The first one is because REASONS.

It's a rope belt. He's meant to look like an old style japanese thief.

Well, part of it is do they actually want to do that? Dave saves the world while dealing with his messy divorce and all his friends taking sides is an interesting idea but also a very different vibe from 'Wacky teen romantic adventures'.

Given the Airsoft owners storyline, it'd come off a bit suspect. Even moreso than the maid one.

And beyond!

Too bad.