Son of Now See Here

It's genuinely a lot of fun if a little bit dated.

I dated someone because it's there, I might as well and I you get a cheevo. Which is pretty much the story of all my video game romances.

It's true but bluntly, it's true of every game that offers a romance option. Part of my issues with Biowares latter day writing beyond the Whedoning is that they really started nakedly doing this to the detriment of the non-fuckable.

That is pretty much Bully. Back when Rockstar was releasing games on the regular and we ended up with some interesting weird stuff.

We did get the remake.

Something I did like was the realisation that Morgana's all-out screen is based on a Steranko Nick Fury cover.

Though keep in mind all of those except the last one are random.

You have to spend that money on Mall Knives and Fake Guns!

A bunch of speech stuff. You can ask for more money or items, automatically receive a larger amount of money or a rarer item, bypass the negotiation and automatically recruit and at max you can recruit demons of higher level than you are.

Yeah. She isn't up there with Maid, Politician, Mishima or Chess Girl. But she's close.

You know he didn't. It was rumpled and ill fitting.

I loved the parts of Secret World that were actually finished but between everything being voiced and the puzzles there was no way that was going to be sustainable.

100k is genuinely pocket change. You get a lot of money killing targets in mementos. Also she gives it back after a bit.

Nocturne kind of stands out because it really is infamously brutal. It starts with Matador and his ability to destroy your party if you have any of the wrong sort of demon and kind of reaches it's apex with Mot spamming Beast Eye.

That was the point I realised everyone is shitting on Mishima.

The single rule of the SMT series is that Buffing and Debuffing is king.

Oh yeah. It's a series I've been playing on and off for something like 17 years now so I've internalised the weaknesses but people who haven't been doing that are going to have a bad time on occasion.

Bar Reporter can just go see a real therapist rather than a 17 year old in a turtleneck.

Finished this and in the end was unable to gain the support of Roof Girl, Bar Reporter or Gun Boy. Was disappointed I didn't finish Gun Boy since his stuff was way more useful than I thought it would. In fact, Guns were more useful than I thought they would be.

Too bad.