Son of Now See Here

Serial is True Crime for people who don't read any True Crime.

When I had my post-grad I had to take a course on media law.

He looked old even when he was young.

Man produces Viral Content for thankful Contenters!

One good one on the form of Macross, which did some interesting stuff with the formula, and two cheap ones. Though I like Genesis Climber Mospeda.

This concept makes me think of that Godzilla cartoon with Godzuki.

This story was going so well. People at Coachella were going to lose their phones. But then they got them back and it became sad.

I am so very looking forward to Unavowed.

It was so fucking bad and so completely missed the point of any previous iteration of the character.

I like to think they may use a new engine at some point. Because the old one is a buggy mess.

As someone who really enjoyed TftB a lot…

Not even the Key Grips family cares who the Key Grip is.

Of all the stuff about comic movies that irritates me, this ranks somewhere round the middle.

Bill Hicks?

Well no shit.

Speaking as Hellblood Deathstorm, my life as a constant repetition of this conversation.

Well, that's kinda the thing. a Dirty Old Man is a very different character from a Dirty Middle-Ageish Man.

Well, that's kinda the thing. a Dirty Old Man is a very different character from a Dirty Middle-Ageish Man.

Mr Nancy seems kind of young.

Look, it's Antifa.