Son of Now See Here

It is but you have to follow an incredibly exact schedule and do very exact thing and if you deviate from the plan in any way you can't do it.

A lot of the extended nature of the first palace has a lot to do with not really knowing how they work on reflection.

It really is very good.

The time management aspect and the need to do specific social links before specific dates because of the way their levels are staggered making P3 kind of brutal.

I looked for a semi-official name and gave him that.

Makoto's reveal was my favourite one because she just seemed so into it.

P1:We like JoJo and also Spooky Urban Legend Shit Is Popular In Japan At The Moment

That's kind of meant to be the thing I felt. Wozzerface thinks you've assembled an elite crew of specialists but really you've just made some friends.

Persona 5 is the epic tale about how no one in the game, including the MC, likes Mishima.

That twitter account is one of the worst things I have seen in a while.

Faraci has been putting all his ducks in a row for his return from disgrace for a while now.

As good as any.

Almost being to the end of this thing, I'm going to say that I honestly that the social links are more interesting and likeable than Persona 4's without being the collection of miscellanous lunatics of Persona 3.

They used to be the province of serious looking men doing that exact thing. So that was a strange cultural migration.

Chainsmokers was the thing that made me realise that I am old and no longer have to care about the music of today.

Though if you like Persona you really should check out Trails of Cold Steel, soon to be released on the PC, part of the Trails series that includes Trails in the Sky FC and SC. Which are also excellent.

Damn hipsters ruining all my sketchy liquor.

One central issue is that the traditional enemy of the third way types is the left rather than the right. In that while the right is the opposition, they're dependent on keeping what we'd consider the economic left as tamed as possible.

The thing is you do have an actual ideological split in the democrats at this point, a party whose entire identity for the past 20 odd years has been 'Not the Republicans'. You genuinely need to have a fight over whether you want to be a centre right party with some nods towards social issues or an actual left leaning

I sort of half glimpsed the part of it they showed on the news and the gun looked weird and I was very young.