Son of Now See Here

She was busy warning everyone about a cartoon frog.

It's all the whittlin'

For years I thought Bud Dwyer shot himself with an old time-y black powder and flint type pistol.

I mostly just think of her as the ur-example of someone who's distinctly uncomfortable with any kind of metric that isn't a certain kind of dull corporate progressivism because she knows she'd be on the wrong side of most of them.

The central issue is that the entirety of Clinton thirdwayism is essentially built around using those ideas to not talk about the idea of the economic. So the argument becomes 'How will breaking up the banks help end racism?'

Same as most other countries do?

He certainly wouldn't do that on purpose.

And brilliant satirist John Clarke has passed away at age 68.

I agree!

That would have been a killing offense once.

The Nintendo vs Sega console warring was some soft shit compared to ST vs Amiga, let alone the blood on the streets that was C64 vs Spectrum.

Yet Suge still won't let him out of his basement.

The game explains this very exact thing in a cutscene later on.

It's a Japanese thing. It's a cartoon way to show that he's kind of a delinquent. But not the evil kind.

I find the quiet but constant release of western novels to be kind of interesting.

I kinda want them to remake Lonesome Dove.

There are friendship simulator games that use the exact same mechanics.

Did they fix the slow ass text scroll on 999?

Liam is Space Cop. He has an actual position on your ship and is meant to be your security/military guy . Peebee just sorts of gets signed up because you have a spare room. She's meant to be a specialist on the old aliens but there is little indication she's any good at it.

Man. The bubble burst really did hit Kiryu hard.