Son of Now See Here

Oh yeah. They deliberately made the initial train station thing as confusing as possible. Partially by blocking off the direct route. So much irritated glaring at tiny writing.


'Tried to'?

Pizzagate still remains hilarious.

I don't want a female Wilford Brimley!

My building doesn't have an antenna. I have to pay for cable or get rabbit ears.

I've kind of enjoyed Crusty Hulking Old Man Schwazenegger in films so far. The beard has started to be his sign that it's time for ACTING! as it were.

It's such a good game that you aren't playing over those 2 days

It's when every planet started having those invisible dog sized guys that the exasperated sigh that greets this revelation came out.

I could tweet, walk and sing with any man I ever saw. I have been twenty-four years a tweetsman, and forty-one years in service; no hot take was ever too insipid for me, fifty songs could I sing. I have saved the menchies of ten tweeters, have had twelve wives and six running dogs. I spent all of my money in pleasure.

Good ol' tweets.

They do look pretty nice.

Sony funded a bunch of them recently under the name China Hero Project. You can see them on youtube.

The Salarian squadmate was on the same ship that was carrying all the interesting alien species.

My problem with this game is that it was so damn dull. The planets were boring, space sudoku was boring, the crew was boring and the lengthy animation between every damn planet made me want to kill someone. It is a game where I would want to wander off to do something else.


Walter Hill is always fun.


Ideological Purity Tests is one of thos phrases that I've become wary of since it almost universally applies to other peoples political demands rather than ones own which are simple appeals to human decency that must be acknowledged by any right thinking candidate. Especially if there's a vague possibility you may not

Happy birthday!