Son of Now See Here

Now I want to set fire to a brewery.

Everything is trolling or harassment now since it became useful to position people you don't like as trolls who are harassing you. Re:Bernie Bros.

I'll be honest. I actually had some stuff laying out how few people actually use twitter in a meaningful way but I can't find it. So I'll pretend to quietly acquiesce until I do.

An incredibly tiny proportion of the population uses twitter and tendency of the media types to treat it's goings on as a major, pressing issue because they are disproportionately involved in it is something that we should be far, far harder on.

The Cheez TV hosts were notable for the number of times they managed to get suspended for making risqué jokes on children's TV.

I miss being the 16th most popular regional clown whose show did not include an ape.

In the first season it was because he was the nephew of their landlady or some shit and was always out to ruin their fun.

It gets worse when you realise they actually gave him a huge, dumb wacky guy as an honest to goodness sidekick.

That is the thing I distinctly remember about X-Men.

The Golden Age arc of Berserk is one of the all time great fantasy stories.


As near as I can remember, there's only one song on the soundtrack. And it's about how I need to buy bargains. I try to recall the other songs but they are, after the first few bars, all about how if things were any cheaper it would be a crime.

I have given up on Mass Effect: Andromeda because, 3 planets down, it is really very, very boring and am waiting for Persona 5.

Wimpy was actually a fairly serious villain and conman when he first appeared in Popeye.

River the combat badass still pisses me off.

I'm very close to just giving up on this. Travelling to boring planets with boring companions to do boring things.

Walt Disney: Hollywoods Dark Prince by Marc Elliot would be the one.

Without it what will you put in the stink!?

Gizmodo is also owned by Univision.