Son of Now See Here

Her role as older eye candy is largely filled by Cool and O'Donnell. She's more beloved older actor in a supporting role.

There is not enough money.

That's Tommy Wiseau. Who, while he has not killed someone, has almost certainly been in a room where someone was killed and at one point owned a chain of lucrative imported denim stores.

I dunno. It's less fun when the dude gets self aware. Especially someone like Breen who pours his strange, strange soul into his stuff.


As I said elsewhere, I do think that Bioware did heavily benefit from being the only ones releasing big western rpgs for a long time and at least some of their downfall is related to them having some competition.

Shoot Bellowbacks with Ice Arrows. Keep in mind that how far you pull back the bow has an effect on range and accuracy but not damage. So with debuffs you want to spam spam spam. Then, when they're frozen, shoot the sack on their back with straight damage arrows. Or the other pipes. They die pretty quick after that.

The secret of the Daddy system is that it's based on the initial presets. Deviate far enough beyond that and well…mom drank paint while you were in the womb.

Yeah. It's perfectly fine as a Mass Effect game. Adventures in Space and all that.

I still don't get Bioware Hair. It looks worse than Final Fantasy 14 hair, a game which has a budget in the tens of dollars.

I liked Anders.

It's not the preachiness that people are taking issue with. I haven't seen enough of it to judge it, in the parts I've seen it's largely absent and this is pretty much the only place I've seen people mention it as a possible complaint. It's something so far down the list you can safely ignore it. It is completely a

Styx is fun but it is midbudget Spiders Jank with all that entials.

Yeah. Frankly some of the biggest complaints I've seen is from more 'socially aware' places so I'm not sure that theory holds weight. There really does seem to be a distinct sense that it's perhaps not entirely that great.

I love me some Spiderweb games. The Avernum 2 remake was especially good though almost insanely long.

I think it's a little bit that, as much as I like them, Bioware games really benefited from an environment where no one else except Bethesda was releasing big western RPGs and now that they've got more competition their being kind of middling in a lot respects is being piled on ME:A.

Look at Mr I Need to Eat Food on the Regular.

I was in high school when the first book came out.

Maybe if you read Wild Cards it'd happen a bit quicker.

He looks like he doesn't know they're in the picture behind him.