Son of Now See Here

The platinums are theoretically better because they can be maxed out on two stats but her talking stat is so damn high.

No. Only platinum hostesses can do platinum stuff because each hostess is played by either a notable hostess or adult film star.

Speaking of 2000Ad, I've been re-reading Nikolai Dante which is fun because it both manages to cover every single type of non-dress 2000ad story outside of future sports and because it is, uncannily, the last character they produced that had any kind of real traction.

The AV Club show seems perfectly okay.

So does Perrette. Though in her case the somethin' is apparently immortality.

It is an incredibly solid example of the procedual form.

He even informed him before hand.

Many, many spinoffs. Each starring a different handsome man of a certain age to keep those young people in line.

Charles Bronson stole his wife!

It's a little bit I don't even own a television.

I miss being a corrupt cop.

From my understanding he makes a lot of Tumblry noises but his actual record is very much right of centre business type with maybe some dubious stuff going on.

Why would you do that?

You can switch to Dunkey.

They sold the old comment system to pay for a TV show.

From that description there, it seems like it's about some sort of Inferno taking place in a tower. If only there were some sort of movie we could compare this concept to other than Die Hard which, as we all know, is the only movie to take place in a skyscraper where exciting events happen.

That's the best part about them!

I'm pretty sad about everyone involved in this GJI.

Ennis's contempt for Wolverine is strange when you consider that he is every single Ennius main character.
