Son of Now See Here

And I will watch.

You'll be able to gush about the mediocrity of SNL twice a week now!

What if they did it with a popular genre piece like Star Wars or Harry Potter?

I miss doing crime.

In the 90's the Democrats pretty aggressively pursued white suburban voters by becoming moderate republicans. Gutting welfare, tough on crime and all that nonsense. There was a very strong vibe of 'no difference between the parties' that explains a lot of stuff like South Park.

I think it's a philosophy that makes more sense when contextualized by the rightward shift of the democrats under the Clintons in the 90's.

He looks really, really Persian at that.

I think it's mostly cause there's a line between dumb jokes and whatever the fuck it is he decided to do.

I am not a big youtuber guy but Dunkey genuinely makes me laugh.

I remember 90's/early 2000's libertarians.

They completely deny this despite him looking like Schwartzwelder and every story about him sounding like a Ron Swanson storyline.

For a guy whose whole thing was amiable sweet natured goof….that was an unexpected path to go down. Sort of.

Yeah. There was a video with a big chunk edited out where on reflection it's pretty clear he said some stuff beyond the pale and they parted ways soon after.

People who started treating Ron Swanson like he was a real person was one of those signs that perhaps the current model of liberalism is fucked.

Just stick to Dunkey. He's fun.

Even his own Reddit went in on him. Though it was pretty clear when he broke from his old group that they split because he was getting kinda racist.

Pretty much what you expect but worse.

Seriously. His main point of exposure during the Bush and Clinton years was from the left end of fruit cakery. There's been an actual cultural shift on some of the conspiracy theory stuff.

If you go back far enough it works just fine.

It's weird that during the Bush years he was considered part of the left ecosystem. I mean…not that weird. But you know…it's a strange journey to make without him moving all that much.