Son of Now See Here

Why would you bring up the birth date of Bill Hicks, a man that Alex Jones would resemble were he to be still alive today?

To be fair it is a terrible burger mustard.

The dependence of contenters on twitter and the discussion of twitter inside baseball as important news is the great unspoken failure that lead to the current state of the media.

It's a novel I like but also felt was very distinctly a teenage girls fantasy about how the bad boys really act even before I found out Hinton was a teenager.

I kind of assumed they were in their 60's. Because Betty White has been old since at least the 70's.

Blanche really liked to fuck.

I keep getting Trespass confused with Surviving the Game for much the same reason.

I think most people know about her. She's in magazines. Which apparently still exist.

I am deeply fond of 'If You Are The One' because the girls on it are, in the tradition of all mainland chinese girls, completely blunt assholes.

Mr Bad is the only thing I remember from that show other than the sexy priest.

It is not only ugly it is actively inept.

Of AVClubs many recent crimes the only one that surpasses it's terrible comment section changes is the idea that SNL is relevant and good.

There was also Rove where it managed to change from fun genuinely anarchic talk show to whatever the fuck it was after changed channels.

I miss the Saturday Cult Movie off SBS. I got so much of my taste in Cinema off that.

Let me tell you about Incels and Volcels.

Too late. I already heated up the soldering iron.

I'd be okay with it if they changed it back to the old comment system.

You'd need a third party involved. Cause I don't see those two killing anyone.

I think it mostly comes down to no one does something wrong on a TV show for something like that unless the point is explicitly done something wrong. So sweeping that under 'shenanigans' rather than confronting it means it's easier to walk Willow back onto the show.

I think that very much puts the finger on the issue.