Son of Now See Here

That's the thing. 5 is kind of bad but 6 felt kind of…nothing. Like a zombie show. I didn't remember anything about the season beyond the musical episode.

THere was a real possibility at the time that it was going to be cancelled and it sort of felt like a show that was kind of winding down as well.

What I mostly remember about season 6 is how dull and directionless it was. None of the college seasons felt that great, with season 5 being actually genuinely kind of bad, but it really felt like the season where nothing interesting happened and that Whedon felt kind of done with the show.

I discovered the massage place in a strip mall near me offered a similar service when I went in after exercising for the first time in years. Except it was an elderly asian woman. And she kinda kept 'accidently' feeling up my junk and asking if there was anything else that needed dealing with. And I didn't work out

I really liked it and the whole Teen Brigade/Zodiac thing Joe Casey was doing had the potential for a great little mini-universe.

I find the obsession with America as a fan favourite a little odd, beyond the obvious latina girl bit, since she was one the less interesting parts of Vengeance which, while a great comic, I am fairly certain I am the only person who read and then went on to appear in a not as good Young Superheroes Who Fuck and Go

It does if you think about it as FUCK YOU FOX! FUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOU!

There are enough dudes that can do martial arts out there that picking this milque toast dude is a bit of a let down.

I think they could've dodged it if they'd just made Misty Knight his love interest.

I'm not disagreeing with you. Because I've seen some of it and it is a dull show. But I think it's also getting kicked around because the other series were, in hindsight, kinda weak and managed to dodge that reception at the time.

It feels more cute than clever at this point.

I mean, it's not that great but the reviews feel a bit like it's being punished for the collective sins of the other Marvel series. Which on reflection weren't that great either.

There's a generic website that every internet site is grafually turning into where any kind of identity is washed away beyond some cargo cult stuff and it's been happening to this place for a while now.


So we don't get decent pop culture analysis and we don't get any sort of real insight into politics. What's the end game there?

They needed to cut reviews and the extra page views from the political stuff and the GJI's to fund…stuff that can be content for the TV show because media intergration is a fickle beast and suddenly this makes more sense.

What do you…oh. Oh God no.

Yes. This is a useful way to thin the section of the population that is afraid of the jet skis that would normally serve this purpose.

I will always have my plebs love for 2:45am or maybe Between the Bars.

I think it's not so much an imitator as that Buffy showed there was an audience for the sort of show that the CW template ended up becoming and of which Smallville was the first.