Son of Now See Here

That seems right. It also feels like Reaper got battered pretty hard by the writers strike.

V:TM and buffy share very little actual DNA.

People who like Barb.

A German once explained German comedy to me. Something about Political Caberat humour being a dominant strand. But the general gist of it was that it kind of sucked and they are aware of it.

Huh. Brian Blessed isn't dead.

Man hands out sweet, sweet viral content to desperate contenders. At no point does anyone pause to reconsider the terrible choices that lead up to this point.

I do pretty okay on Tinder but it's almost entirely the sort of women who'd date me. So it's not so great for anyone involved.

That YOU can't get into.

PAtrick Stewart really wants to play Xavier again. Just not in an X-Men movie.

THAt is genuinely depressing. Though there's always the chance they'll give it one more for prestige reasons.

It's like Danny Devitos daughter who looks like him. She wears it better than he does.

Working was kind of a show before it's time.

It occured to me as the Swollest Man In Nora he didn't really do a very good job of passing down the secrets of Swollness to his adopted daughter. That black lady later had at least been doing some serious core work.

Well, that's the thing. I rushed that and it still felt easier just to leg it everywhere with the unlimited sprint.

They kept getting brought back because they were Merchy As Fuck.

The Max Headroom tv show was really good.

I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that.

Also Andrew.

You'll get to a point in Witcher 3 where it feels like the end of a really long ass game.

It's kinda weird because I actually thought when I was playing it that this would specifically remind me more of Red Dead if I gave more of a shit about my robot horse.