Son of Now See Here

The human AI have a terrible case of 'Let's investigate the ever increasing pile of corpses'.

Something along those lines, I believe.

Hunting beasties was probably my favourite part of the game and I was sadly disappointed when my beastie book was filled and there were no more new sorts of beasties to murder.

You should. It's pretty great.

Oh yeah. It's been massively well recieved. The criticisms it has had have mostly been along the lines of, yeah, it's an open worlder in the Ubisoft mode.

Bah I say!

I'm also taking bets on

Yes. It also has a young boy in goth liederhausen and two large clunky rusty wind up style robots with crude masks of human faces taped to their heads in a shattered apartment building miming a sexual act and mechanically chanting lovelovelovelovelove. You also ride a moose.

I actually kind of like the big plot twist. I had a feeling it was going to be that or Mars so it satisfied my intellectual vanity a bit but also I did kind of like it.

I did have a little bit of an issue with the hunting parts because I was, up to a point, carefully laying traps and stealthing and so on.

I enjoyed this one a lot and people should really give it a shot if they haven't because it is fun and is a really, really good looking game. At it's heart of hearts it's an iteration of the Modern Openworld Game in the Ubisoft mould but it's a really good one.

I liked it a lot but it is far cry-ish as all get out.

The sole thing I knew about Party Lines for years as a kid was an earnest TVnews bit about how they were a terrible den of phone perverts.

The 'I am Barb' pieces were some of the worst things on the internet.

Barbs room would look like a grave for human dignity.

I will let Twitter do no such fucking thing.

Maybe I'll hold my own festival! A carnival of depravity where nothing will be forbidden except outside food and beverages!

I long ago came to term with the fact that my only beard option is a beard variant of the child molester moustache.

If you're at a point where your praxis is failing to make a viable case against Nazi goofery turning into real nazism despite people doing this shit since the 50's to 'freak the mundanes' without it being a thing then then I'm not esure it' can entirely be placed at the edgelord end of things. Treating this stuff as

Oh, that is almost entirely how the Anime Nazi thing got started both in offendng people whose nose is fun to tweak and turning your ironic shit into real shit because you're defining yourself via this stuff to the point where you're just a goatfucker.