Son of Now See Here

The fact he needed to explain this is kind of why I'm growing to really dislike the Marvel Movie formula.


Russians are really, really racist even by eastern european standards and being a Nazi is a pretty good way to be professionally racist which outweighs even historical factors.

It's always Hormel Black label Bacon Week.

Didn't we already do Buffy week?

He has a valid point because Metal is not even remotely subtle about this but even putting aside the whole why would metal folks even listen to the music guy from the AVclub, you can arguably point to the rise of internet shock value nazism as being at least in part because the sort of of moral fingerwagging that's

Well, during the PR. But yeah.

They told us exactly how to do this during the round of promos for the film. They even told us the recipe. I even made it.

The only people I have seen vaping in public are asian girls who look as though they're heading off to pose next to a heavily modified mazda.

It's such a shame that Nier came out in such a strong quarter.

The ropecaster and the purple arrow from the sharpshooter bow are both really handy for dealing with Thunderjaws.

It really is a lot of fun.

That's a shame. I don't own enough objects with screens obscured by a visible layer of my man grease.

Finished Nioh and started on Horizon Zero Dawn. I have murdered almost all the various robots.

Waugh and Greene explicitly referred to themselves their writing as such.

Something that's been bugging me recently is that the intrinsic issue with violence being regarded as the base response instead of natural part of the social mileu in a 'multiple approaches' game is that it means everyone is a hardcase which lessens the effectiveness of being a sword swinging jock as with a capacity

Though in regards to Rhin

This is unusual because?

His terrifying barbed penis.

Oh good. Twitter.