Son of Now See Here

Man, that comic got really, really bad.

It's not something I'd normally harp on but because of the way the Numenera system works and because it does try to sell one of the classes as all round skill check guy I could see it getting a bit annoying.

The only issue I'm having with this is that is so very, very front loaded with intelligence checks to the point where you may be actively getting a less interesting game if you're not playing a Nano. Though it's a Monte Cooke system and the dude is actively hostile to anyone who can do a pushup.

Melbourne Australia. But pretty much the same principal is in effect.

These are rich asian failchildren. Think less mattress on the floor and more 300lb kid in hip hop gear with a platinum blonde dye job. Not on the floor though.

Anywhere that isn't influenced by the wretched turks or the heathen chinee puts milk in their tea. This is known as a Luvverly Cuppa. Evap and tea is, in fact, a whole thing.

There's an interesting thing in my area where, because the Chinese and Hong Kong Folks send their failsons and faildaughters to live in apartments near me, outposts of Hong Kong cafe (And taiwanese) chains tend to open briefly and shut down just as quickly. So I've drunk a lot of this stuff and…it's pretty good?

I'd look like that if I exercised and ate properly. I am in fact genetically predisposed to having a broad shoulders, a powerful chest and washboard abs without any real effort. Which makes my current physical state something of an achievement if you ask me.

Put some damn pants on. They're taking photographs.

I thought they meant Fred Durst for a moment and felt that assessment a bit harsh.


Yeah. It's kind of why I don't look kindly on the whole 'actually free speech is' thing. Because I remember the Bush stuff and conservatives making the same argument when they had their hands on the cultural levers and how quickly everyone forgot about that.

This game was a lot of fun. I look forward to murdering more orcs.

Of course she thinks you're nuts.

I kinda thought the same way and then I thought about what he's been in for what amounts to a really long time now and the guy feels like he's heading in a straight to video direction in spite of the budgets.

For what that movie is, I would think it'd have more of a nerd cachet than it does.

Yes! I was going to mention that very thing. I kinda loved that.

We'll soon fix that.

Yes. It's pretty great.

But now through the medium of Jennifer Lawrence rolling her eyes, you can communicate all your terrible, terrible emotions.