Son of Now See Here

Yes. Let's gather up all the jews!

Gifs are the internet language of people whose souls have died.

Yeah. It's up there with 'Private Detective Involved With Magical Crap' for the 'there's way, way more movies about it than you think' category.

This is such an odd thing to have been turned into a movie starring Will Smith.

I kinda like that Hamilton would hate every single person who loves his musical.

Me. I won all the Oscars.

61 is like 50 now.

Shit. That's young.

Horrid Wilting is the best for making bloodless corpses.

That also sounds like coward talk.

That sounds like coward talk to me.

To be honest, I'm willing to bet someone else dies in her place.

They are taking a really long time to decapitate this woman.

24 years of Trump apparently.

This is a GJI.

None of you will do well in a punching based environment.

Man. The ST/Amiga era doesn't get enough love.

I am a C64 boy at heart and have no time for your marios and green marios!

It really does. I have no ninty nostalgia but I kinda want this one.
