Son of Now See Here

Aw man. If you're gonna make the woke joke, you don't make it the first post. You need to give it time to breathe and not have someone take it serious.

I kinda feel like this is the one that's going to punished critically for the sins of the other marvel series.

Steve Rogers was apparently some sort of artist before the war and on the occasion he had a civillian job in the 70's, was employed as a commercial illustrator. He had a room mate.

The Badger was a mentally ill homeless person.


Batman did it.

That's kind of why I don't think Chik-a-fil gives a shit about peoples boycotts. If they're willing to eat being shut on the Sabbath then they just aren't going to care.

Branded to Kill is such a fun, beautiful film as is Tokyo Drifter. In fact even his more banal Yakuza stuff was great.

The True forced loneliness of the Incel

I have a vague feeling that Calexit would end with most of the state in indentured servitude to Peter Thiel or someone similar.

I have no idea. It was back in WWI times.

Shit. Seijun Suzuki, one of my favourite directors, has died.

My ancestors were banished from Ireland for the crime of being Irish!

Meanwhile, we make fun of poor Bono.

You were the worst Key Grip ever.

It is exactly Miley Cyrus bringing a homeless guy on stage at the VMAs.

Han Solo has a weird looking head.

And then she lost a campaign where she had every single conventional advantage.

And the same thing for the poor Supernatural guys. Except they're married to ladies and their wives get death threats for keeping them from being together

We should burn down his house.