Son of Now See Here

Dude cannot catch a break.

No. I mean this exact thing here is why Trump won. As in there was briefly a universe where Hillary won and then the possibility that this could be written gestated since her victory also meant there was a loss state and thus that terrible series of tweets were possible. It so horrified the universe itself that it

I remember reading some wiki that detailed the controversies involved in the hockey RPF scene with a certain amount of vbelwidered fascination. I wasn't even sure how I got there.

I am still kind of unsettled by those Obama films from a little while back.

This is why Trump won. Nothing else. Just this.

Ehn. In Australia all the various media companies have had such a stranglehold for so long they just don't care. We had, and still do, have the 'Australia Tax' where flat out paid an extra 30% or so on music and film and software for years just because they could make us pay an extra 30%. On some commercial software

Good ol' Fatal.

Those are some awfully scrawny predator fighters.

Look. The latest skull science has proven no one under 6ft tall counts as a human being as we know it. Their brain pans are simply too small for real thoughts or emotions. What may look like sentience is actually a series of feedback loops. Like a lobster.

I'm 6'2 and I am average sized.

When the hell did 6'4 start being 'very tall'

You know, I will give them credit for at least saying the first time you did that it was actually just meant to be stupid busywork.

So they think Link's old enough to kill but not old enough to drink enough to drown out the screams.

Also it may be reading too much into The Main Character Being Surrounded By Helpless Idiots that is part and parcel of every video game.

You can find almost any reaction to anything on Twitter. Then, if you're a terrible human being you can write attend piece on said reactions as though they are broad trends.

Yeah. I know exactly what type of game this is going to be and luckily, I like that sort of game. I get me a map and some RPG stats and I'll craft some arrows. But I'm also not expecting too much to actually be done with the interesting looking setting.

The feeling seems to run from hreat to good but kinda bland. So it looks to be worth taking a shot at since the worst that'll happen is you'll have a pleasant time.

I was wondering for a moment if I'd forgotten that he'd died.

It's one of those things that is completely absent from youtube.

I was happier when I didn't have to look at or hear internet people and now AVclub has taken that option away from me.