Son of Now See Here

I miss when movie theaters used to show slide style ads for local businesses.

I miss the listicle of 10 times batteries saved the day.

I think that's probably it more than anything. Unless there's an easily graspable 'hook' a lot of pop culture writers seems honestly terrified and confused by the newer stuff aimed at younger audiences like the Youtubers or esports.


Fuck yeah! Science!

Yes. Yes it was.

Long Kiss was such a fun film.

The director of the other other punisher movie and the less fun of the two Green Street films.

SAlt was a really bland spy thriller that served to help me realise that Jolie is not a very good actress that hasn't actually appeared in a good film.


The great wall mostly wasn't to keep the Mongolians out, though western sources at the time assumed it was because they were the most visible threat. A lot of what it was there to keep out would be regarded as chinese today. Though some of them might dispute it.

Well, the way the democrats are going….


Haywire was a lot of fun.

Back when I was in university years ago, The Singapore Student Association was almost comically racist in regards to other Asians.

Ellroy is going to kill him. He's going to actually kill him.

I have distinctly mixed feelings about this.

Sometimes I take the train station near the building where all the rich asian kids who were too dumb to get into university back home live.

Wildcards is fun, if cheesy. It's one of those shared world books that were popular for a while. Alien Virus mutates a bunch of people in the 1950's. Most of them die and of the remainder most get horribly deformed. Some get super powers. Roger Zelazny wrote part of it.

Exactly. At this point I'd rather see something interesting than another iteration of Marvel Movie.