Son of Now See Here

The dudes considerable issues aside, this has a chance to be a genuinely interesting take on the superhero genre.

But that million dollars will fund the cocaine and women in body glitter industries for years to come. Not to smaller businesses like tailors who sell shirts where the top button doesn't do up and dry cleaners whose job it will be to degrease said shirts.

That description made me cringe a little, yes.

He didn't really need to practice. He was pretty good at it.


Masturbating to pornography?

Jazz was very much a playboy 'thing' so I'd think so.

I could see the cartoons or maybe the shift in what counts as 'progressive' but playboy was pretty big on the civil rights stuff.

Well, there was that John Wayne interview.

Good. Playboy without naked ladies is like buggery without the benefit of butter. Dry and largely pointless.

The Playboy interviews used to be pretty great and came from a way broader slice of humanity than you'd think.

That's also way more people than I thought.

They were one of those bands I assumed was mostly women until I saw them. I am not sure why.

He's a little chunky is all. Don't judge.

I'm just gonna call her fishbird.

Huh. Zamfir isn't dead.

I really can't get over how much he looks like Geralt.

It's not really an empirical question. It's examining culture and that doesn't lend itself to hard evidence.


I mean, I wouldn't expect straight up Ninja Gaideness but you'll at least find something to like in this.