Son of Now See Here

When did my uncle who works at nintendo become an acceptable source for news?


What is wrong with that mans face? She looks terrified in that photo.

Kitty Pryde was also pretty fond of slinging around the uncensored racial slurs even in mainstream x-men.

The primary Cum Town guy, Nick Mullen, is roommates with some of Chapo and is also an irony boy.

To be unkind about it, The black bloc tactics types and Antifa have finally found some Nazi's that won't kick the shit out of them and they are going to take advantage of this situation. Not a single fat middle aged guy with a racist variation of the national flag tattoo among them. Just skinny dudes with weak chins

You could have just walked in and bought a Playboy. They mostly didn't care. They would have snickered at worst.

I was kinda depressed when I found out they didn't actually age restrict Playboy.

Don't worry. He's planning war with Iran and they will fall completely in love with him if he does.

Now it's a recurring character bit!

Sketch Comedy Mediocrity Propped Up By Low Hanging Fruit Here I Come!

My feeling it's some late 00 to early 2010's Something Awful type. Though I don't have any particular names.

Given his LOLrandom Butts! thing has a pretty distinct internet ancestry, you could probably play internet detective and work out who he is pretty quick.

Tweets! Good ol' tweets.

Well, that's the thing. I'm not arguing in terms of authenticity, which tends to be a mugs game, but rather I'm arguing in terms of the flavor of the series itself where, yeah, having all the voiced shopkeepers played by AV stars whose sad japanese bikini videos you can view fits in with it's various other weird

The gear you found is in your storehouse. It's not very good though unless you want it for cosmetic purposes with the make your gear look like other gear thing.

No. It still isn't funny.

You'll get two Yakuza 0's!

Well, that kinda raises another thing. The slight skeeviness, and lets be honest it's very slight, is part of what makes for the unique experience of the Yakuza series. IT's part of a game with a very strong sense of identity and removing it would make for a different, less interesting game.

*parks his beloved bicycle in the red light district for some reason*