Son of Now See Here

He used to. Then he had a motorcycle accident and got most of his face scraped off.

Does he have sores on his face or am I imagining it? I don't mean this as a joke. Are there honest to goodness sores on his face?

Dogs ain't got no reason to live.

The online 'woke' are the first set of progressives in 60+ years to fail to make a decent case against Nazis. That's the bare minimum needed to not suck.

Milo is an utter irrelevancy who thrives on the sort of attention that he's been receiving and I've begun to suspect that his loudest opponents mostly yell about him because he gives them an outrage woody in a way more meaningful targets and causes don't.

24 Hour Cinderella is the best Majima song.

For a game series set in a red light district, it's a relatively innocuous.

You heard me!

I want to punch Cory Doctrow in the throat someday. Is that the same thing?

It was unpleasant in a this seems like the sort of pain that precedes dying way but I was more worried about the puking.

You can just say chaps, goddamit. They are, by their very nature, assless.

I always felt the amount of oxy tables they gave me for when I had a kidney stone was a touch excessive. I had something like 36 of them.

Sugar and Fat, you say?

I dunno. Around '10 to '12 is feels like when a lot of sites on the internet, and a lot of writing on the internet, began to lose any sense of identity. Part of it was, of course, the Dissolve folks leaving.

That, I think, is the biggest shift in the site and the one I am most bitter about.

Though if we're on the subject of wacky Edison related adventures, why the fuck has no one made an adaptation of Expiration Date by Tim Powers?

I'm glad I killed Nikolai Tesla.

Do you at least have an counterargument in regards to you sucking?

It kind of had it's creative spark killed during the 'cultural revolution' or whatever you want to call it, sorta tried to recover from that and has kind of been shambling along since. But eh. It's still there if you must.

It's a shambling wreck of its old self.