Son of Now See Here

I think we kind of shifted from pop culture writers who wrote on the internet to internet writers. Which is kind of unavoidable at this point. But it lost a lot it's unique voice

It is one of my favourite things.

I will have no one complain about comment sections on Porn. Such complaints are like being given a fine work of art and then violently shitting on it. People who hold such opinions deserve nothing good.

The sweet wonder that was the IMDB message boards.

We're just going to destroy everything beautiful, aren't we? Sad, dull and grey as far as the eye can see.

You picked the worst possible candidate for this particular time, ignored the collapse of the many of the traditional pillars of the Democratic party because of the strange assumption that Obama's effect would be a permanent thing and glossed over the collapse of the party on every level but the executive, handed her

We're going to have an awkward trade event! Someone will make a few mild jokes! We're gonna call that daring!

Comparatively? Because it's still the White House Correspondants Dinner. It was never going to not suck.


Nor should they.

It was the 80's, goddamit.

Will she die there as well?

Still got 12 years left.

She's dead and it is still too good for her.


They sold out to the Nazis who are still quietly mainstream and they're currently burning down refugee centres. Let's not be too generous to Sweden.

I remember when he was James Robinsons sidekick.

Hell on Wheels ran way longer than I thought it would.

It is not a trend I am fond of and lead to Master Of None where they forgot to put any jokes in.

I want an entire game based on CIA guy and his post credits bit.