Son of Now See Here

The combat is Yakuza combat and will be as it ever was. The only real advice I can give is switch it to Hard. Except for the car chase where you should not have it on hard. Though you do get some other stuff to do as the game goes on.

I don't agree with his politics at all but I do have a deep fondness for the genuine freaks of the world and he's one of those people who's always struck me as one.

The ending of Witcher 3 is one of those things where I wonder why other long series games haven't managed to pull things off so well.

I'm on the home stretch of Yakuza 0. Everyone's finally finished quadruple crossing one another in the grand Yakuza tradition and there's perhaps time for one more set of double crosses before I finally finish it up. The acting in the cutscenes of this game is so very good, which is something that doesn't get

I liked it far more than most people. It's a good story with some fun characters wrapped around a kind of generic game.

Dry Ginger Ale. Which I only ever drink on aeroplanes.

The best among us have worked out we will never be loved because there is nothing in us worth loving.

Can't have a President called Estes Kefauver. It was the cold war and the russians would laugh.

And we also have no ones word but Smedley Butler, who was pimping a book at the time, for that one.

I learnt that from The Book Of Lists! The greatest gift you can give an eleven year old.

And when you learn about how he made his money….it still helps not to think about it.

I find Tommy Wisseau being fairly wealthy one of those things we probably shouldn't think about too much.

The creator of the comic strip Annie ran a strip celebrating FDR's death.

YES! Black Panther being a teacher for inner city kids is why the entire trend sticks in my mind. It was simply what black characters did at that point.

There was a period where every single black comic character was a teacher. It was a bit strange on reflection.

We'll be having Nun of that.

*Films mop on handicam. Points handicap at beloved significant other. Pans back to mop. THE MOP IS GONE!*

Blonde girl and hair boy are particularly bad. The rest kinda pass.

That would actually be an interesting take on the character. Not that she's slow or intellectually disabled but that she's just not that bright. Since it's kinda rare.

Then you stake the money you would have spent subscribing and you start your own newspaper.