Son of Now See Here

I like it but I think it's failing, when you really get down to it, is that is a bland, bland game.

I would have wedgied you. And you would have know you deserved it.

Not anymore, apparently.

When ladies first started letting me get involved with the vaginas was also when all the pubic hair started disappearing and I kinda worry that I did that somehow.

No. I have other things to do. Like fighting that mechanical bear that's attacking Prague.

Hey now. That's an old photo. Fat Clown lost a bunch of weight.

It's not really that bad. It's pretty solid party stuff.

There's always been a little bit of an undercurrent of contempt for being the 'wrong sort of people' to a lot the Juggalo mocking stuff that I don't think we see in regard to other equally ostentatious subcultures. So I'm not entirely sure the degree to which that'll happen.

That would be it. In my defence I last saw him mentioned nearly 20 years ago. Though, he was a south american air force pilot with the best super speed powers who had a cult in the comic in contrast to the apparently older arrow version.

Also don't use a crunchie wrapper as a condom.

Peter Thiel just bought the rights to most of your blood.

I want to say half a step up from Salon but it seems needlessly cruel.

Not my thing. But model train people seem, on the whole, to be pretty good people.

They mostly depend on their online stuff these days which is….certainly something.

So his late night show. But on the radio.

My feeling on it is while I admire the idea, I have never not seen AntiFa get the shit kicked out of them by fat old guys so I'm not sure it'll end well.

Looks like the same punch from a different angle. Unless the exact same guy came back and punched him front of the same building.

There is probably a thing to be discussed about how internet people in general and journalists in particular have come to overestimate the impact of the online stuff, particularly stuff that directly interacts with them. The Alt Rights greatest trick was being mean to journalists on twitter.

They have factions because they spent the Menzies years tearing each other to shit between the kinda sorta anti-communist right wing of the unions and the socialists and they formalised it simply so they could actually get things done.

I occasionally forget what Shorten looks like.