Son of Now See Here

I think the main difference between the two parties is that Republican party apparatus tries to win elections and the democratic party apparatus mostly tries to get lanyard jobs.

Insufferable hipsters who don't actually enjoy music so much as they enjoy feeling superior to everyone else

Given that people started declaring every news site they didn't like as fake news mere minutes after it became a buzzword and given both the left and the right jumped on that bandwagon with particular vigor, it became functionally useless in record time.

I am almost certain there was a guy that did that.

If they manage to Deadpool it.

Yes and….

I think, in my heart, I knew that.

As man aside, I'm always fond of 'Obviously Racist Author Trying to Be Progressive' from older books.

You should go learn about Halal Snack Packs.

Nah. In the Vietnamese part of Melbourne. Where, despite it being the a fairly nice neighbourhood otherwise, there were many, many junkies and many, many drug dealers.

It was a fun neighbourhood.

I went to see that movie with four friends and we were maybe 24. Anyway, the guy who drove us there had recently broken up with his high school girlfriend and we all got to wait in silence for the 15 most awkward minutes of my life because that movie made him cry.

Well, you can't be a Zachary either. That just sounds like a small child being called by his full name.

That's the conclusion I came to. But I was too late.

Let's go watch some interviews with Busey from before his accident! Because that isn't hideously depressing.

Holy shit Zach Braff looks old. It's been a hard 6 years for him.

I wanted to say that. But I was wondering if it was racist or not and it slowed me down.

Yeah. One time someone broke into my apartment while I was taking a nap. Anyway, while I was scuffling with him half hanging out my window (which is on the ground floor so less impressive than it sounds) his girlfriend was hitting me with a broken branch.

We'll abolish them and bring back castration to prevent political ambition in the civil service! In the manner of the Chinese! In exchange you will gain a hat with two jade buttons of rank!

I do hate millenials.