Son of Now See Here

Funny you should ask that. You seeā€¦.

Warren Harding kept raw steak in his pockets for when he wanted to snack.

I like salt and vinegar chips and find the fact they aren't in purple packets in US like they are in the rest of the world grounds for dismissing all of your potato chips and potato chip related products.


Why is Jeremy Corbin singing at me?

I'm her number one fan!

I thought it was gone and then it came back and now I want to roll sleeves and cut throats.

Diner Guy was a far, far better human being than Barb but writing about him would require the Barb lovers to confront their own terrible, fun killing moral failings.

To be fair, there's also the Live Streams.

I think the larger issue here is the talking dogs rather than their political views. Way to bury the lede.

Or, you know, I was specifically using liberals rather than the left because I was talking about a disappointment in the abandonment of a core liberal principle in favor of corporate wokeness liberalism. The lfet, on the whole, not actually having a strong inherent position on the subject.

I'm not sure Hideo Kojima eats anything else and Mikkelsen wants to be polite.

Yeah. But it was deep in Bill Murray's fallow years before he was in Lost in Translation and we turned him into The Internets Cool Uncle.

It is a movie that people only remember because of the title and the inexplicably high number of copies in video stores.



I was obsessed with getting it for the C64 as a kid which was weird because as a game it kinda sucked and I fully realised it.

His hair upsets me.

Yeah. The first is one of those ideas I've become kind of uncomfortable with how quickly it's started to gain currency among liberals over the past few years.

All the terrible food I ate as a kid no longer exists.