Arnett Mead

She's one of my favourite TV critics and I say that because she's insightful and intelligent, not because she always responds to me on Twitter.

Yep. I definitely agree with this guy's anger and his opinion and I thought he articulated the major issue with these types of nitpicky comments very well (namely, they have to be taken as a part of the whole).

"How week?"

what's wrong with adam beach????

Yeah, they've started to lean into this a little (at least once an episode he gets a funny moment) and I think it's a case of the writers figuring out how to write for the actor.

"Unfortunately, The A.V. Club’s enthusiasm for The Carmichael Show isn’t matched by our readership, so we’re ending our weekly coverage of the show, but a season finale pop-in is possible."

Allergan? Why not Teva, Sandoz, or Mylan?

Ignatiy as the soda tour guide.

Really? Race to the White House feels deeply dumbed-down: it's history as seen in an AP US History textbook (i.e. "these are the nine bullet points of this campaign we need to address, let's show some footage and have one interview as support for each), not history as root causes or history as lived experience.

I want to upvote this joke more than once.

When Banshee had the scream that caused Kara's ears to bleed, my immediate thought went to "Do you bleed? you will!" and I had to pause the show because I was laughing so hard.

Next week: Supergirl fights Cybermen!

at the same time, I assume

There's only one Gary King!

This is actually quite well done. I'm impressed

I like Schaefer a lot (I was one of the few people who watched Nikki and Sara Live heh) and the segment is pretty great, but I wish she had picked someone who wasn't Kara Brown as her questionee - Brown's articles almost always lack depth and are basically just not-very-intelligent snark and it's especially

Or Bring It On: In It to Win It

Both of these comments are correct.

I've been pretty pumped for this - the casting is excellent and the trailers both look great and have the exact feel I'm looking for. Glad to see it is actually good.

Yes. This.