Arnett Mead

In the "Matt Smith is leaving" thread from ages ago, I made a joking post about Peter Capaldi becoming Doctor and looking forward to Malcolm Tucker in the role. I was accidentally an oracle (for the first part anyway).

Let's do it.

I read the first book of Cixin Liu's The Three-Body Problem. Just started the second.

I've had it in Kolkata, yeah. Can't recall any restaurants or anything, since it was in households more than anything.

Andhra cuisine is incredible, and so different from my classic Punjabi cooking. Definitely seconded.

Hakka noodles! Ubiquitous street food in Delhi (right next to the paan and the pani puri)

"The spicy vindaloo was 100% invented in London in the 1970s. I've
wandered the length of Goa several times looking for a spicy vindaloo:
there is not one, not one. Not one."

I think your two year late post was addressed to the wrong person :)

This was great. American Dad Christmas episodes are the best.

"For a lot of stars, they have enough presence to be compelling even when the film isn't working"

"I mean, obviously not all actors are created equal, but there are a lot
of good actors out there who can turn in good performances. The other
stuff can be a lot harder — or maybe I'm less forgiving of it because
their faces aren't up there on screen."

I feel like I see "this movie/show had good acting but less good other stuff" far more than the reverse. Does that seem plausible or are we just bad at disaggregating "performance" from our extraneous opinion of the actors in general?

I don't necessarily disagree, but I like the category; in particular, I've been struggling to figure out why Moonlight left me so cold and, while I don't agree with everything D'Angelo said here, it was at least helpful in terms of coming to my own reaction to the movie. When done correctly, a category like that can

Yep. FWIW, Todd Vanderwerff's original review at Vox of Warcraft basically supported the movie as an interesting work.

Yep, pretty much agree with this. It's not great, but it is definitely really interesting.

what about the sense8 christmas special that hasn't aired yet??? :p

Ehh, I was iffy on the most recent season of Line of Duty. It felt like, at times, it fell back on shoot-em-up tropes a bit, particularly towards the end, while normally it pretty skillfully avoids those tropes.

Time for my same post in three threads, damning the absence of Queen Sugar!

Okay, now I have the right to be annoyed that Queen Sugar was snubbed.

when queen sugar is inevitable snubbed, I will be annoyed :p