Arnett Mead

When he apologized, the Canadian in Victor Garber came out in his "sorry."

um, ever since Master of None, we have to officially refer to it as "Schwimmer money" :p

Yeah, I started digging it pretty quickly and the last few eps have really been fantastic. Love the cast and would not be surprised if it continued the hot streak in S2 (is it getting an S2?).

Fashion, too.

I did also. This episode was entirely worth it, purely for that line.


Yes. She can.

This is actually quite comprehensive for good shows. I was glad to see Our Friends In the North on there.

"Only someone who's never been on the Red Line could buy that concept."

Just seeing an article on Bunheads is already making me sad. Rewatching most of those clips is making me tear up.

It's not as good, simply because the scope of "June 17, 1994" feels so much larger. Because it's basically just one long montage, it feels true to real time. This was very good, but that's a phenomenal doc.

The funny thing is that it wasn't just the NBA Finals - as the show alluded, it was also Arnold Palmer's last round at the US Open, in addition to the first game of the World Cup (so, basically the Super Bowl), the NY Rangers ticker-tape parade in NYC, etc. there's a pretty fabulous 30 for 30 doc called "June 17,

I get you, Boyle. "Thoroughly Messed-Up Millies" was a great joke :p

I'm Indian and I felt him SO HARD in that moment.

Yeah, that makes sense, and I was hoping you'd go into it a little bit. Unfortunately, I have a bunch of work this evening (so probably can't continue this discussion! :( ), but I appreciate you taking the time to put something down!

and I'm an idiot, thanks :p

The second half of your post is undoubtedly true. I'd argue that it would be true in essentially any system, but that's counterfactual wishcasting and rather silly to discuss.

heh, it's a joke from an episode of Happy Endings :)

"Why do you think Goldman Sachs gives her money?"

why does he never show up at rom-com-con???