Chareth Cutestory

I hope he plays him real fat and nasty. Like Dom Hemingway in flaming wizard robes.

Hopefully there will be a framed napkin with the words "Bark Obama" written on it.

Just google "jizz music".

I've already figured out the perfect name for GDT's new STAR WARS hero…

Yes, but where do Stacker Pentecost and his offspring fit in?

But what about the failed novelist deadbeat dad? The one who bets on hair pie races… That's definitely worse. Well off to the races, my money's on 'Hoof-Hearted'.

How is this not called 'The Hazards of Aging', already? We all know you design movies around their titles, Hwood.

No problem. Just sayin'. ya dangus.

It's John C. Reilly as a gigantic, nuclear Dr. Steve Brule. "For your health, ya dangus… RROOOOOOAAARRR!!"

It looks like he's starting to get lost in his Steve Brule character.

I like a lot of his stuff, but dude's just one step away from doing an album of KISS covers dedicated to his cats. He needs an EDITOR.

Pew pew, Ms. Dunham!!

I am the walrus

I'm ecstatic that Vin Scully is on this list. God bless that man.

As long as it involves telepathic NPH, I'm in.

Just wait until we get 'Freaks and Geeks: Mid-Life Crisis', in which Sam gets really anxious about his colonoscopy.

Douche canoe is a term I'll proudly be adding to my repertoire of insults. Thank you for that.

The real decision we all have to make is…
Grays vs. Pubes


Looking very much forward to this supposed return to form. Saw these guys in Seattle at RKCNDY during the Clarity tour and at the Showbox after Bleed American came out. Both shows blew me the fuck away and made me a lifelong fan. Later shows in PDX and LA have confirmed that even though the albums aren't quite as