Chareth Cutestory

Fookin' tangerine vag-flammin' bastard. Seriously want him to drown in a bog.

This is so exciting!!! (tiny clap)

Wery pert. Wery pert, indeed.

Boom! Dog bites man - Kevin Beekin loved this episode.

He's got the touch!! Feel, feel, feel, feel ma-hee-Heet!!

I want that jawbone that Gregor ripped out to make it into the Dark Tower.

Maybe if Tilda Swinton plays the roast beast…?

Did anyone actually expect this not to suck?

We're gonna need some white-out, or maybe some copy toner.

Yes, but does anyone get pumped from drinking green tea all god damn day?

This site is full of nostalgic, pop-culture worshipping nerds, and yet it seems you've all united against one of your own, who actually managed to write a best selling, sci-fi ode to his nerdiness, and then somehow managed to get senor Spielbergo to direct the film adaptation. And all I see on here is hatred for one…

Cold hands, stone hearts, can't lose.

I also would like to see some bangs. Wait, were you still talking about hair?

I agree. It took me three rereads and I still don't get it. It will be like The Ocean Walker. People will have to say they like it or they'll look stupid. Also, Kolma will look great on a hat.

Haha. Love the Joseph Gribble association. I kept wondering why that whiny little mama's boy looked so familiar.

He'll find a way to make every woman in the world's pants explode.

That was asinine, to quote my favorite Texan.

Fuck Batman v Superman. This needs to be a feature length film. It's the super brawl we all deserve right now.

The pee-pee pants line is taken directly from the comics, except Negan drops about fifty F-bombs in the immediate vicinity.

Yeah I meant Midnight Special, saw it 2 nights ago. Amazing. So damn intense.