Chareth Cutestory

Bummer. I was hoping this would be good but every review is saying it's garbage. Maybe I'll go see Midnight Special again.

And satan

Great. Saw him a couple years ago and it sounded like a tone-deaf Bale-era Batman was grumbling about how constipated he was. Zero stars.

It was Pamela Adlon. FYI. But I agree, she is hot. Lucky Louie.

It is possible Fassbender is just playing a different identical android. It would make more sense than him finding a way to attach his head to a new body, then somehow meeting up with Kenny Powers in deep space.


Eric Wareheim and Brian Posehn in "Big Fartz, Bigger Hartz" - The story of two chronically flatulent brothers desperately seeking acceptance and love.

Forget Ansel Adams and his crap Sierras. The Rock's face is the new range of light.

How in the name of Zeus' butthole… is Nic Cage not in an insane asylum?

You are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world, Chuck.

I'm freakin' pumped! Been drinking green tea all god damned day!!!

AKA Lonnie Lynn Jr.

That's the one. I seem to remember Ultro the Evil Robot was in it too, before he went through the stargate and became a fat, balding guy.

That guy's an emotional terrorist. Iron dude should blast him with one of those plasma-palm thingies he's so good with on that one movie where the green guy beat up the monkey aliens with a bow and arrow. Or something.

Clearly we need Fat Mac as Yezzan. Charlie for Yezzan's Goat Boy. That is all.

The recording studio scene in Boogie Nights is probably my favorite moment in cinema, ever. Feel, feel, feel, feel, feel…… Feel ma hee-eet!!

There should be several Sister Christian worthy scenes if PTA even reaches 80% of the books clusterfuckery of stoned fever dreams.

SAND: The Ride - It's coarse, irritating, and it gets everywhere.

Anything starring Brock Landers and Chest Rockwell.

My fantasy football league is quickly becoming more entertaining than this show. And I don't even know 6 of the 8 people in my league. More Rafi!!!