Chareth Cutestory

Saucy Jack FTW. The Beets were amazing.

Didn't you read the article? He's sober now. All the Deschanel poon in the world can't relieve stress the way a good glass of scotch does. Poor, rich, sober bastard…

I agree with the above. 'Plans' was the last record I really got into with these guys, I kinda gave up with 'Narrow Stairs'. Just seemed like the machine had finally eaten their souls. And as someone who used to go to Death Cab shows when there were like 10 other people there (including the band), I think I have the

The Pig ^^^ is totally spot on about what separates P&R from AD. The sentimentality in P&R doesn't feel forced, because almost all of the characters are decent, happy, friendly people. Whereas in AD, everyone in the show, save maybe for George Micheal was completely self-centered (even Michael was sort of a

Or possibly shots of snake-juice. Babba-Booey!!!

This pleases me
His 'Tribute To' EP is excellent, hope he keeps his solo album as chilled out and stripped down. That is all…

Thank you, Zombie Jim. That made my day. Those things are godlike.

That's so funny, I completely agree. That song killed Pete Yorn for me. Haven't bought one of his albums since. musicforthemorningafter still holds up fairly well after all these years, though.

I agree with you, one of my favorite albums of the last few years. Very re-listenable. The documentary is good too. Any Kerouac fan will really enjoy it.

You should absolutely try 'On The Road' again. That being said, I agree with Calvinist and Super Karate… 'Dharma Bums' and 'Big Sur' are better…

A+ to this episode…
The cast just keeps getting stronger and working off each other better. If Chris Pratt keeps up his awesomeness, Andy might just replace Charlie from 'Sunny in Philly' as my favorite character on TV. Excelsior!!!

I also found this episode to be among the best of the season. I don't watch the show to find out what's happening next in Pawnee, I watch it because of the crazy-ass characters, and ALL of them were completely hitting their marks. Camping is AWESOME…

MacGruber is amazing, so what's your point?

Is it gay or non-gay that I want to be in the middle of a sex sandwich with these guys? Cornetto?

Swardson is AMAZING on Grandma's Boy.

You, sir, are a towel.

Maybe she finally talked Karl Hungus into making a feature length version of "Logjammin". That would be most in keeping with her current career trajectory.

I think the real question on everybody's mind is…

The only one of these I've seen is Hot Tub Time Machine, which I agree was awful.

I may have missed a big reveal in the last couple episodes of the season (currently abroad with no cable), but I thought Harry was just banging Dexter's mother? She was his CI or whatever, but she already had Dexter and his brother before Harry, or so I thought.