Chareth Cutestory

Uh, yeah. I was making more of a joke, since they're not really blood relations on the show, but that could work too.

It wouldn't be incest anyways. Dexter's adopted, right?

But just think how much fun Dexter could have murdering people to make up for the fact that he killed his bug-eyed sister to keep his secret? Then he could act all angry, and anguished, but then find another foul-mouthed redhead to bounce off of, all while finding another blond to bounce up and down on.

It just goes to show
that they should have just effed on the show and left it at that.

Her character dies. And it's his character that kills her.

Tux Monkey - Your girlfriend must love it when you get your level out and call it foreplay.

Tux Monkey - I prefer large and perky to giant and sagging. Symmetry is a plus. And yes, I have encountered a couple of actual non-implant pairs of the mythological beings known as large, perky, symmetrical boobs.

Uh, I only saw it once, but I remember being incredibly let down by her giant, sagging, asymmetrical flopbags.

Jorge - I don't think it's actually from anything. Just some dude with excellent photoshop skills and way too much time on his hands. Pretty amazing though, yeah?

First 3 only? Come on now, I'll admit the last 3 weren't up to snuff, but 'Wizard and Glass' is my favorite of the series.

This is my personal favorite crazy Nic Cage pic.

They already did a new spin on MacGyver. It was called 'MacGruber' and it fucking owned.

The Dark Tower
…is the only Stephen King adaptation that anyone should be putting any effort into. If Ron Howard fucks it up I'll hunt down his ginger-ass and pistol-whip him with my sandalwood revolver.

Agreed. That show was brilliant and met it's end WAY too soon.

Just tell me what you want me to fuck.

Am I the only one who thinks they made a huge mistake by not nominating 'MacGruber'? That's capital M, a, c, capital G, r, u, b, e, r!!! Classic MacGruber.

All of the above are good songs, but for every "New York, New York"
there's 4 or 5 "Halloweenhead"s. Homeboy is talented, no doubt, but he needs to just release one really solid album every few years instead of 1 album of (mostly) crap every 9 months. Hell, I'm a fan, and I don't even have any interest in buying this,

I think I'd like my money back…

I've never admitted to a mistake. What would I have made a mistake about?

…is invisible. That is all.