Chareth Cutestory

*canceradis. I hate myself.

As far as firsties go, at least this one made sense and pertained to the subject at hand. Well done, Sky Commander. No rockyrocky canderadis for you.

I've travelled 500 miles to give you my seed!!!

Don't eat the Skip's Scramble…

Yeah, I agree. Really great article. I just started listening to jazz and had purchased a few of Miles' albums sort of haphazardly. This article really clears up where I should go from here. Thanks, Leonard. You will be missed.

The honesty is refreshing, but truthfully, I bet 99% of the readers on here would never have noticed/cared. REALLY sucks for Leonard Pierce, I bet he's cursing the very fabric of comic geekdom right now.

I agree with Real Rod and the others. Deb has been set up all season to "understand" Dexter's killing of these murderers/rapists. Take her not feeling bad about killing the Santa Muerta guy, and her comment about who would be the first person to kill the barrel killers… "me", or something to that effect. She's gonna

No grade? Allright, I'll give it a B+
I wish I'd known when I drove to Target in my long-since abandoned hometown, almost 12 years ago, practically foaming at the mouth, it would be the last time I would ever be psyched about a new Pumpkins album.

The gerbil in the rectum maneuver worked out OK for Lemmiwinks. Hell, he's the Gerbil King now.

Satisfactory. Nothing mind-blowing on it, but it makes me feel like I'm in touch with the hipster d-bag masses.

All of the above mentioned women are undoubtedly hot, but I was surprised to find that when you actually get to Australia, 99% of the women are moderately overweight and just ugly enough to be considered slightly below average.

Rob Schneider is "The Valet Stand" … Rated PG-13. Derp Dee Derp Dee Teedly Tum De Dum.

What's sad is that it looked like maybe Sandler was finally growing up and was going to leave this drivel behind when he deliberately made fun of his persona in "Funny People" (Underrated movie, in my opinion).

I thought his comment/gimmick was more entertaining than the video. But I'm an alcoholic and I have terrible taste in red-headed songstresses. Also, I hate Christmas. Happy Festivus to all!

He cares about Franklin…

I thought that scene was hilarious. But I was higher than the McCormicks at the time.

Fair enough. When Kite speaks, it sounds a lot like Kyle too though. Also, Kite sounds alot like a particular epithet used for Jewish people, which I wouldn't put past Trey and Matt to use as an insinuation. (I'm not anti-semitic, just shutup now). On the other hand, the amount of arguing that Kite and Coon do is

Yeah, I'm a retard about Iron Maiden. Obviously it was Timmy. My brain works a little slower than the hands sometimes.

Who the hell is this other Chareth Cutestory posting as me (though not logged in)? Does he also practice maritime law?

Charlie Sheen in jail? Really?
He'd be the last guy I'd ever expect to be locked up. He's the model of restraint and good taste. Not to mention a top-rate sitcom presence. I'll be counting the days 'til your return, Sir Charles…