Chareth Cutestory

I hate all of you.

Rob Schneider Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dum… Rated PG-13.

I seriously didn't recognize a single person on here until Weezy started his terrible singing. Who's the slightly confused, beefy white boy with the beanie and the big beard? Is he just the key grip who got lost? What's going on here?

Taints, Shit-Stains, and Auto-Erotica

Urgh, if your brother was really clever, he would make you play as Johnny Warr.

…and too many dicks on the dancefloor.

Hot Water Music's "Fuel For The Hate Game" is an amazing record to drive to. You'll get wheverever you're going in half the time. I also have to agree with whoever said Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold". That song is the aural equivalent of sticking a gas soaked rag in your tailpipe and setting it on fire. And I mean that

I have no idea who this guy is. I just want everyone to know I'm really drunk and baked right now. RIP.

I agree. "Randy Described Eternity" could have the most awesome opening lyrics of an album ever. "…Now I'd say that's a long time…"

Best running album ever is Explosions in the Sky's "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place." The way it crescendo-decrescendos is perfect for running long distances, plus you can have your own internal monologue, and if necessary, pretend that you're on Friday Night Lights.

Just this morning I saw a sliver of his buttocks, and they are as firm and ripe as a Georgia peach.

Rob Schneider is Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb.

It's funny as hell if you get really baked. Blinkin' becomes one of the all time greatest comedic characters.

Lamest merit badge: Merit badge embroidery

But he was golden as Charlie in the Mighty Duck trilogy. An unsung hero of that era…

Don't let that douchebag get you down, man. You staked you claim on firsties with class and dignity… Back on subject, dammit I wanna do dirty things to Naomi Watts. That is all.