
They've also made references to being afraid that the mayor of Huntington - who will be appearing in the show - will be more popular than them.

YEEEESSS. TIBaS does not get mentioned enough in these conversations.

Great choice.

This is my personal vote.

Natalie Portman as Jackie Kennedy.



When can we get one on Truman that isn't starring Gary Sinise?

I listened to those when they came out. Really fascinating.

That is easily the most powerful moment of the film. Seeing it happen and realizing that the Icon we know as Jackie Kennedy was a real human woman sitting in a car with her husband's blood all over her. It's enough reason to watch the film alone.

The former host of The Family Feud?

The large bald man isn't super standout…

I have this feeling too, and am hoping the first four or five book aren't too terrible to reread.

Though them being sent to the work house was also a fun literary reference.

Honestly, without adding in the VFD this early, the first five books are just boring retreads of the same story. I think it's at the very least an interesting addition. The scenes with Jacqueline have so much more life in them than the rest of the series.

I can't recall, do we see much of Zombies in the Snow in The Reptile Room book, or is that more thoroughly covered in The Unauthorized Autobiography.

NPH seems incapable of playing Olaf as anyone other than NPH. I was almost happy to see Stefano, as at least he was acting, but of course the bit of Olaf not being able to carry a character for more than 3 minutes means he's just back to being NPH is a funny costume.

God yes. The streaming television bit was just painful to watch.

Yeah that's pretty horrible.

And then there are the things the shows slams you over the head repeatedly with.