
Episode 8

I was under the impression that she and her beau were both Hispanic.

See I see her possession as relatively recent. I feel like the episode where she freaks out in the store and then is visited by Hawk reads as something has just come into her house relatively recently.

I saw that too, thought it was my internet connection, and then realized it's a trick he's done before, just not as subtly as this time.

As do I.

I agree about Billy. The camera lingered on the shot of the blood pooling on the floor of the cell for a reason. Also: He has a very Dougie-like way of repeating the last thing he hears.

Oh wait. That's Billy. The uncle was someone else.

He seems to be the guy in the jail cell dripping blood onto the floor like in the young woman's story. He also has a Dougie-like way of repeating people, though I'm not sure what that may mean.

Hell, Windom Earle and Dick Tremaine are probably a better match than Ed and Nadine.

Aw no mention of Nadine and Jacoby meeting. I thought it was very sweet. They're a real pair.

What's even funnier is that it wasn't in-universe music, so these people were just awkwardly conga-ing into the office silently.

See the Return of the King-ness of the last episode was maybe my favorite part of the season.

And she had just had sex with Billy Zane.

Well she was in a coma, so…

There are a coupe of pictures of them both smoking in really similar ways. Idk that it's very likely, but I would love that to be the way to incorporate Donna into The Return without her actresses returning.

Well, David Cross would know an asshole.

That makes my heart happy. If they'd brought Sheryl Lee back just for that one scene in the Lodge, it would've been such a shame. I'm excited to see for from her.

I mean I know everyone hates James, but James Marshall still looks beautiful.

I think her scene as well as the scene of the intersection going crazy with the creepy kid and the yelling woman and the zombie girl are all signs that the power of the Black Lodge is growing as it gets closer to the planets alignment or eclipse or whatever even it was that was indicated in Briggs's message a couple

I was convinced they used the same one more than once this episode.