
Aisha Tyler is a FANTASTIC choice!

I'm in the same boat. Perhaps I just started them late, but the series took so long to finish that I think I grew out of them by the last few book in the series. I think I may have read The Penultimate Peril and The End once each and found them very disappointing.

I'd say a 3rd Rock era John Lithgow would've been perfect.

Isn't O'Hara in the series as well, playing someone else?

I agree.

Yeah he's like Rod Serling from State Farm. Not how I ever envisioned the character, but at least he's worlds better than NPH.

NPH is such a horrible choice for Olaf. He has no menace, had to force his singing into the show, and feels like he just improvised most of his lines. I wonder if he can be directed at all.

I liked when she woke up in bed with Howard the Duck and gave him a high five.

Exactly. This was such a hamfisted take on the issue. And good god, it did not need to be an hour long. You could have told this story in half an hour.

I, uh, I thought your friends called you Whiskers because you're, uh, curious like a cat.

If it's not Howard the Duck, I'm gonna be really sad.


Are you kidding? Ron values ignorance highly when it doesn't fit precisely into his very narrow box of what one needs to know to be a "real man".

You know Ron would vote for Gary Johnson. I've been rewatching the series and realizing Ron is in no way the sort of enlightened moderate hero he's sort of come to be know as. Which makes sense. He's a character in a comedy show.

Not since my old Master…

No love for Terminal? "What is this, Eleven Questions!?! Of course I have a Vardio Cascular System!"

No love for Terminal?

I'm a knife… Knifin' around… Cutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcutcut

This one was very pretty, and I have no doubt very close to the original documentary, but I found it pretty lacking in the actual laughs department. I more often found myself thinking mildly "Oh, that's amusing."

This is exactly how I felt. When the nurse scene arrived, I was so let down. I wanted to yell at the screen "You don't need this storyline, AHS!"
Of course, I think most of my love of the first episode was brought on because up until the end, I thought they were going to follow the rubric of the type of shows they're