
I feel like if this scene had been done without the one from the previous episode, people would find it a bit less obnoxious. I felt like this scene was much more artfully done than just having the Kardashikids screaming their own name at the television.

I distinctly remember Peggy getting off an uncensored "fuck" during the original airing on one of the early last season episodes. Perhaps the season premiere. It was during a meeting at pre-merger CGC.

Aw man. I clicked on this thinking it said Andy Merrill. I was thoroughly saddened not to receive some Brak-like wisdom.

Baby Loves Headrub also made a cameo!

I loooooved Monaghan's "That's Cudi's friend Eric." Maybe my favorite line of the episode.

I was really hoping it would. A Tom/Arnold kiss is not something I would complain about.

ALF… just, ALF.

I know this article is nearly a year old now, but I feel compelled to point out that season 5 was also home to the deliciously strange "Mystery Date", a.k.a. "The One Where Don Kills A Woman".

I particularly liked Max breaking the fourth wall about her dialogue choices, and being forced to tell Jefferson you love him. That's about the only part of the final episode that works for me.

Oh man. The Beast from the East doesn't hold up? It was my favorite because I was a very easily frightened kid, and I remember it being not about scary stuff but kids playing a weird game with lots of changing rules, and that appealed to me. BftE and Shocker On Shock Street, where the kids get trapped in the amusement

Well, the premiere of Freak Show was pretty fantastic, and the season was a horrid mess, whereas the Hotel premiere was kind of a crazy jumble of junk, so maybe there's hope that reverse psyhology will work again. Gotta say, I really loved the cinematography in the 20s sections.

I read the headline of this review before I watched the episode, and I expected that if they didn't go with the "Forrest is the true villain" angle that it was going to be A.J. behind it all.

I would suggest not watching it then.

Personally, I love more openly aggressive Kermit. His rivalry with Groban was great. I think my biggest laugh of the night may have been Kermit leaping into Groban.

Sorry, I find Jimmy Pardo generally irritating, so I must have put him out of my mind.

Her voice, her dead eyes, she doesn't understand how to deal with Kermit under stress, she tries way too hard to be funny, they have no chemistry..

No. It's actually spelled Berenstain.

And bring back Mildred! She was always one of my favorites on The Muppet Show.

I going to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that that's a purposeful move to show us how wrong for Kermit she is.

Scooter's talking head about looks from Kermit was also one of the episode's highlights.