
He's the Muppet Andy Richter.

Maybe my favorite line of the night. Though I also enjoyed "And our house band, Electric Mayhem… Dr. Teeth and the…"

Personally, I found Scooter's fight with Elizabeth Banks to be one if the funniest parts of the episode. Scooter has always been rather passive aggressive in his gofer role, and I loved seeing that played up. Though I think my favorite moment of the evening goes to Uncle Deadly trying to lint roll Kermit's skin.

Was I the only one made strangely uncomfortable seeing Kevin Pollack with hair?

I love how Fred Armisen's ridiculous singing went from incredibly funny to incredibly creepy very quickly.

And his sketch with Will Ferrell as the musically inept Satan is a classic.

I used to listen to them voraciously, and fell off for whatever reason. Perhaps because I got into The Flophouse and Tim and Tom just sound a lot like Dan and Elliott. I should should catch back up on TCGtE.

I love that it's just as out of place in Electro City too.

That blocking was perfection.

Yeah, it's more like a shamelessly reused plot device, but funny none the less. I read an interview where Showalter revealed that that situation is one that happened to him in real life.

I wanna see Brigadoon next year.

Aw man. I was hoping this was a new Flat Eric video.